Nualtra: The Dietitian Cafe: S1E3: Alex Ballard
‘’NHS Community Dietitian, Alex Ballard, shares her journey to becoming a Registered Dietitian - from her initial interest in sports and nutrition whilst at school, through to university placements and her first NHS posting. She explores with us the rewards of working in the community - and how she and the team safeguard each other.’’

NHD Magazine:
Food banks and Covid-19: Is food always the answer?
‘’With nearly five million experiencing food insecurity since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is not surprising that the demand on UK-based food banks has drastically risen. But what needs to change to help ensure no one faces food poverty in the future? NHS Community Dietitian, Alex Ballard, investigates’’

Keeping the glass half full whilst still following advice
The day that publicans locked their doors some of us converted our efforts from stock piling baked bean tins into beers cans. With alcohol aisles decimated; kitchen cupboards, garage fridges and alcohol cabinets were left bursting at the brim. So how can we enjoy alcohol responsibly?

Simple tips and tweaks for when appetites are low
Dietitians will often see patients that are struggling to consume enough; consequently falling short of nutritional requirements and increasing their risk of malnutrition. Luckily, there are many simple, tasty tips and tweaks to help ensure diets remain complete even if eating becomes a chore.
Enjoy your catch of the day in a tasty yet sustainable way
Fish has always played a large role in British food history, with classics including prawn cocktail, sardines on toast and, the public's favourite, fish and chips. But why do we need it, which types should we eat and how can we make environmentally friendly choices?

NHD Magazine: PCOS and symptom management
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common endocrine disorders affecting approximately one in every 10 women of a reproductive age. Fortunately, lifestyle interventions can improve hormone imbalance, symptoms, overall health and quality of life. Advice around diet, exercise and behaviour change should be first line for individuals with PCOS.